I can’t even begin to express how much my Tula meant to me. There are not enough words to covey the joy she brought to my life. She was the daughter I never had. Tula loved to be carried and was most often times on my hip with her little paws and head thrown over my shoulder. She would cling to me like an infant. I was her world and she, mine. She was also very funny and loved to play “I’m gonna get you”, where I would come at her slowly with my hands like I was going to tickle her belly and she would growl at me and show me all her teeth. She loved to spoon with me and give me kisses. She has kissed away more of my life tears and shown me more love than any human in my life ever has. She was my everything for 15.5 years. There will never be another like her. She was never the same after her companion, Otis, crossed over in 2022. They were a team, and he always looked out for her. Dementia stole her little personality and she was tired. I knew it was time. There is a hole in my heart that only she could fill. God knew I needed her and I was blessed beyond what I deserve to have called her mine. I love you my Tula. Thank you for making my life fuller and filled with purpose. I will miss you every day until we meet again in heaven.
Love, Your Mama
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